Client-Focused Process

You deserve financial advisors who hold honesty, loyalty, and mutual respect as primary values.  We understand that it's your money.  We don't operate under a specific tagline, but you can expect a comfortable and transparent environment when discussing your financial goals.


Here's a snapshot of our wealth planning process:


  • What is important to your family and legacy?
  • What values shape your decisions and priorities?
  • What are your unique challenges and circumstances?
  • Are we a good fit?


  • Discuss our wealth management process
  • Present a specific course of action
  • Client endorsement
  • Sign/e-sign account forms and documents


  • Organize financial information and paperwork
  • Review online account tutorial
  • Discuss first statements
  • Meet team members and specific contacts


  • Periodically review progress toward goals to keep plan on track
  • Review prior goals and set new ones
  • Assess risk management strategies and estate planning needs
  • Evaluate financial picture as market and life changes occur